Friday, January 21, 2022



Gravel crunched underfoot at the mouth of the old mine. The moon hung low in the sky, casting enough light to see the shadows of the trees and the lingering remnants of an age gone by. The mine was abandoned, long since left to die. Yet a strange presence remained, filling the small clearing with a sense of forbidden danger. 

The village nearby was small and forgotten, just as lonely as the mine that had once been the lifeblood that flowed through its streets. Each rumored visitation has pushed the village further from a place to visit into a place meant to be forsaken until the word for the village had been forgotten and the humans there dwelled in fear and stagnation. 

The mine had not dried up; coal still waited to be found and pulled forward out of the earth’s womb. Superstitious fear kept it empty. Abandoned picks and carts sat just inside the mouth, scattered about in a final moment of desperation. I touched the mouth of the cave, feeling the smooth stone beneath my fingers, and wondered at just what would drive the humans from these hills.

A shadow flickered in the dark, moving from tree to tree. Branches quaked beneath the beast, body hidden in the night as I turned to stare at where I had seen the shadow move. The light of the moon illuminated the dense trees, yet in the pitch, it was nearly impossible to see distinct shapes. 

Tree branches entangled and leaves entwined, leaving behind mass shadows from the edge of the woods. The hills seemed alive with the white light bathing them, but no sound of nature stirred. More branches cackled in the dark as something leaped from one tree to another, the sound of leather in the wind as its wings beat to hold it aloft. 

I stepped forward, dumbly moving towards the sound rather than away. Whatever it was paused, silence returning to the air. I waited, watching the trees shiver and then hold absolutely still. It was easy to imagine the humans here, running frightened back into the mine, never to be seen again. Each sound of leaves touching would send chills down a grown human’s spine, let alone superstitious ones who feared the unknown.

Minutes passed and I turned, looking back to the mouth of the cave. It loomed in the dark, aged and unimportant except to whatever lived within its gulch. Before I could take one step forward, light erupted from the trees, bold and brilliant in the night. It was white and pink, pale and sparking with energy as it shot out of the trees and over my body.

My body froze, suddenly immobilized in the eerie light. It brightened the clearing so that I could finally see the being whose large head gave birth to the illumination. The light came from its horn, large and protruding, from the leathery skinned face of the alien. It was vaguely battish, huge wings helping suspend it from thick branches. Clawed feet clung to the tree. A thick ring of fur lined the base of its neck and down the body but left the dark wings exposed.

It stared at me with bright milky eyes, no pupils or irises. The light didn’t fade as it crawled over the tree, branches swaying beneath its weight before it jumped from the boughs and landed with a heavy thud upon the ground. Claw tipped wings were used as front legs as it slowly ambled towards me, circling around my frozen body in quiet appraisal. 

I tried to speak, but my lips wouldn’t move. All I could do was watch as it neared, leaning back on its haunches once it came near enough to touch. Its expression was impossible to read, the mouth and eyes familiar and yet foreign in its face. It seemed to see me, into me, and beyond me all in one glance.

A shiver rose up my spine while its gaze pierced me. The light grew warmer, or so cold taht it burned, and my body shuddered in its heat. The clothing that covered my body began to flake away, as ash in a fire and yet without flame. Each moment that passed brought further disintegration to the fabric, the beam’s light slowly eating all that stood between my skin and the creature’s presence. 

The head moved forward, bringing a new intensity to the light as it did. A gasp barely pushed past my lips when it pressed its open mouth against my shoulder and dragged its teeth up against my neck. A rolling tongue like appendage flicked outward, fat and thick, exploring the flesh. I wondered briefly if this is what had happened to the miners, the being’s ravenous curiosity overcoming them.

Teeth and tongue roamed my skin, tasting and prodding with every passing moment. The intense heat of the light grew, sending waves of intensity through my body. It pulsed though the beam remained constant, pouring from an engorged horn in the center of its face. The head bent and the horn touched me, sending vibrating light through me instead of on me. 

It pierced deeply, sending my mind and body reeling with sensations and heat. I heard myself moan though saw nothing around me. My mind raced with a thousand memories of wonder and lust, revelations of identity and knowledge, of viewing the growth of humanity with each passing century. Each touch and caress, kiss and thrust, reverberated through me at once.

I would have sworn that something was within me, throbbing and thrusting, pushing my body forward as it climbed a mountain of pleasure that it knew each handhold and pathway to. I rode the waves as a stallion on the beach, the wet delight of seaspray becoming the sweat that beaded on my body and slid down between my breasts to my slick opening. 

No longer could I feel the mouth or teeth, nothing but the pulsing light that hummed within. It unraveled each moment of pleasure I had felt, leaving me a trembling speck of light in a galaxy of knowledge and truth. A hundred moans and cries of pleasure echoed in mine, in the feeling of expansion within and the pounding of my heart that thrust into my erogenous lust with each passing moment.

The visitor trembled beside and inside me, witnessing each moment I had ever felt true and whole. It subsumed the humanity and beauty of the lustful hunger that coursed through my veins, leaving me as naked and vulnerable as any lover would. The heat intensified, peeling away the layers of my physicality until nothing was left but the raw energy of need that crawled through me, spreading ecstasy with each cell it touched.

I became a being of light. The world was nothing but a pinprick of moments and thoughts, far and away, hidden behind my burning body that illuminated the woods and slid through the mines, feeling the lives of those who had been lost to the visitor’s remaking. It pushed into every part of me, on a level that only my blood would understand, intrinsic and integrated. 

Perhaps my hands moved or perhaps I only imagined it, but something touched me… or inside of me… into the light they called a soul and whispered dozens of words of tantalizing hunger. We shuddered together, hands and mouths and devil’s wings exploring and enveloping until the light dimmed and there was nothing but the pulsing waves of rapture that encircled us both.

The sound of my gasping breath awoke me from the terrifying and beautiful entity’s caress. The moon had sunk low and vanished, leaving the golden beams of the sun’s light to streak across the dawn sky. Great footprints, three toed and strange, sat in the earth around my naked body, a sheen of sweat and lust covering my flesh. 

It was gone, a discovery of who I was within it and revealed to me. My hands grasped a breast and sat in the wetness between my thighs, yet the pleasure they could offer was nothing compared to all that had happened in the moonlight between a strange visitor and myself. 

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