Friday, October 30, 2020
Headless Horseman
I gasped as cool skin slid over my own, caressing my shoulder and slipping over my neck. A delicate forked tongue tasted the skin. “You mustn’t look,” she whispered against my ear, her own tongue playing with the soft skin.
“I promise,” I replied and turned to her, letting my hands trail over her softness, exploring the curves of her hips to the swell of her breasts. My lover gasped as I grasped, pinched, and pushed her backwards.
The gorgon landed on her back, the cold stone of her cave beneath us. Without sight, I felt the hundreds of stone eyes around us, watching. Men who had only known hunger in violence, who had called her a monster.
“You’re amazing,” I murmured as I lowered myself to my knees between her legs. She chuckled, reaching a hand to caress my hair as I smirked then lowered my head to place a kiss on the flesh of her hip.
Fingers wound in my hair as I moved up her body, guided by instinct and the quickening of her breathing. Teeth and tongue tasted skin and teased at the flesh, pulling pert nipples into my mouth with renewed hunger.
Her hands slipped over my body as the first serpent began to crawl up my thigh. I rose up, unable to look down at the gorgon, but smiled anyway. My fingers caressed the snake before lifting it to my lips, licking the edge off its flesh with an eager tongue.
She gasped as I stroked her serpentine, one of many that began to move over our bodies. My hand lowered to her thighs, letting fingers slide against her slickness, teasing the delicate flesh. The snake shifted forward, tongue tickling her skin.
My lips followed my hand, burying my tongue within her. Her moans filled the cave, hissing and feminine at once. Hips thrust to match my tongue, our speed increasing before she grabbed my hair, pushing my face into her, and shuddered violently.
I heard rather than saw her smirk as she moved from under me. A wet tongue lapped at my face, tasting herself in my kiss. Her fingers slipped the snake from me, smooth and powerful, before she moved away from my caress.
Silence greeted my ears. I turned my head, eager to hear, but instead heard the soft hissing of her serpents. A hand pushed on my back and I fell forward, catching myself on my hands. Snakes nestled against my hips and inward, dipping inside me with sudden curiosity.
“They like you,” she chuckled again. Fanged teeth raked over my skin before I felt one snake press inward and deep, wriggling within me as it explored. I gasped and shuddered as she laughed. “They like you a lot.”
The gorgon rose, her hips pressed against mine, skin cool as a snake’s. A great thickness slipped between us, winding itself around her thigh. It’s nose dipped against me before she shifted and pushed it inward.
It slid inside as her body moved forward. Its tiny tongue flickered within, sending a shiver within before she leaned back, pulling it out. Our bodies moved, slow and soft, filling the cave with sweet noises.
Just as it had begun, it stopped. I whimpered in hunger but was met only with her chuckle. “Sweet girl,” she murmured to the air. I turned my head, seeing nothing beyond the silk over my eyes. A crack filled the air as stone broke and fragments fell to the cave floor.
“What are you do-” she stopped me with her lips, followed by the tendrils of serpentine hair that demanded to be licked and caressed. Intense cold pressed against my opening as she laid me down on my back, strange stone fingers invading within.
“Is that?”
“He wasn’t using it,” she purred before she thrust the stone deep within. I cried out, bucking against a dead man’s hand. One tiny snake bit into my breast, closing the peak in its jaws, before her own tongue tasted just above where the stone hand entered me.
My fingers clutched at the snakes on her head, moaning as one wrapped itself around my throat. The serpent tightened, then released, leaving me gasping for air between cries of ecstasy. It compressed, cutting the air off completely.
The stone hand moved faster as did her tongue. I tried to cry out, but only groans came out. My body shuddered and a soundless scream ripped through, heightened and intensified by the burning in my chest.
I collapsed onto the stones, wiggling to get away from her hungry mouth. The snake released and I gasped, shivering on the cold earth. She draped herself beside me, kissing my lips softly. I slid my fingers into her heat, moaning at her wetness.
“You require no rest?” she asked, surprise in her voice.
“There are just too many pieces to try,” I replied, before taking the stone hand from her. Although I could not see it, I felt her smirk against my lips before a gasping moan broke its spell.
It moved behind me, making the chains that bound my wrists to the floor grow hot. Yet the metal resisted. Even hundreds of years later, the dwarven forged steel resisted the magic of the creature and failed to burn my skin.
The sound of fire burning hissed and popped in my ear as it bent forward, trailing one giant clawed hand through my hair, down my back, and over my hips. Claws prodded at my flesh, a mixture of heat, creature, power, and darkness.
Shadow slipped over my skin, bringing fire with it. Every caress awoke my skin, igniting the surface for just a moment and creating a hundred flashes of pain. Slithering whispered in the air as the primordial creature withdrew its touch.
With a deafening crack, the whip struck the ground beside my body, igniting the stone temporarily with flame. My breath caught in my chest as it whispered on the ground, glancing off my calf, leaving behind burning that caused a familiar stirring ache.
Searing pain arced up my back as the fire licked my flesh, leaving inflamed red skin behind. I gasped, my body shuddering as the first blow hit. Nails dug into my palms and teeth bit into my bottom lip as I held the pain, forgetting to breathe it out.
Before I could remember another snap crackled in the air and my body jolted from where fire hit my hip. A new red mark emerged, emblazoned on my flesh. I groaned, shifting to be on all fours instead of kneeling as my body ached.
My own scream echoed around us, mingling with the purring crackles of the creature as the whip struck. Again and again it smacked against my skin, bringing new burning pain with each lash.
A cacophony of dancing shadows, crackling fire, and ecstatic shrieking moans filled the air. My body shuddered as the whip cracked and danced until I fell to the floor, skin red with heat and pain.
The creature gathered above me, shadow-caressed hand stroking my burnt flesh. I didn’t even notice the heat of its fingers as it pushed me onto my stomach, before sliding one massive paw between my thighs.
Sizzling filled my ears as its fingers met my wetness. There was never a smile, but instead, it growled and pressed deeper, one clawed finger filling me entirely. I moaned beneath it, spreading my legs wider for its exploring hand.
The finger rested inside of me, wiggling, filling me with a new heat before its thumb pressed higher, slipping into me after pushing past resistance. Despite the heat, I shivered, feeling its fingers filling my entrances.
Its huge digit pressed in and out, exploring and stretching before one great hand lifted my body. I laid on my stomach in its hand, fingers suddenly absent inside of me, my back exposed, legs spread, body eager.
Pressure as nothing I had experience pressed against me, sliding from my slick opening to the tightness above, before shifting forward. Shadows invaded first, winding their way inside of me, before its immense girth followed.
There is no way to describe what fire and power and shadow feel like when they fill you, expanding you beyond human ability yet protecting you from being torn asunder. I screamed at the pain and intense pleasure that throbbed inside me.
The chains rattled as it moved me onto its length, pushing far inside me, distorting my own stomach with its size. Flames licked my body, stinging everywhere it touched me, including where it was buried within my body.
Another crack broke the myriad of moans and pleading noises that were escaping my lips as the whip struck my back. The sounds stilled but for a minute before they began anew, recharged and delighted as it thrusted deeper.
The creature struck again and again between its growling plunges. I shuddered with each strike until my body convulsed on its impossible size, clutched in its burning claws, and released its ecstasy.
It turned me over, letting me finally see the beast in its flaming glory. It convulsed, growling deep and low, before jerking me back from it. Thick blackish fluid splashed over my body, tasting of ashes and flame, covering every inch of my skin.
The primordial spirit bellowed before releasing me, letting me collapse at its base, merging with the shadows of its body. It slipped into the darkness, leaving the smell of burning behind, pausing only briefly to hear me whisper, “Thank you.”
A serpentine tongue flickered over my cheek, tasting the sweat and ash that coated my skin. My shattered sword glittered on the ground, grinding into the stone beneath a massive reptilian foot. Great claws raked the ground with every step he took.
I stepped to the side as he moved around me, ground trembling beneath his weight. Sly golden eyes watched my every movement. The drake chuckled. “You taste of fear, human.” His voice was a knowing snarl against my back.
He circled me, expansive and impossible to escape. “Is that all?” I finally answered. His hungry chuckle bubbled in the air. “It’s hardly fair, dragon. That you should taste me and I not taste you.” I took a breath and forced myself to relax.
His curiosity was palpable. The great head tilted as I took a step towards one massive leg. It was he who froze this time. I caressed him, pressing firm and hard into the beast’s scaly skin. My fingers explored, stroking his belly and back.
“They say you are an untamable beast. That you bring death and suffering to any who whisper your name.” I wandered down his body as his eyes stayed upon me, steady and examining. With one bite he could tear my body in half.
“They say no mortal will ever ride you,” I finally purred at him as I reached his tail. My hands stroked, firm and hard, upward towards the base. He groaned, a kind of strange snarl and growl that whispered over my skin.
I smirked and pressed again and again until he shuddered under my hands and released himself. Two great lengths unfurled, erect and prominent. He shifted, nearly quivering as I approached beneath him.
My lips and hands greeted one then the other, each too large for me to take into my mouth. But I let my tongue and hands replace my open lips, trailing up and down the length of him. His body jerked forward, greeting each stroke with a sharp growl.
The dragon snapped the air, teeth grazing my hair and shoulder. His great claws dug furrows into the stones beneath him as I stood between his impressive lengths, stroking, one hand on each.
He moved suddenly, catching me in his claws and throwing me to the broken stones below. His breath hissed against my back. One great foot pressed onto my shoulder as his teeth gnashed the air, grazing my skin and tearing it open.
The dragon’s weight was crushing. I groaned against him as his body settled and adjusted. A thin and daring tongue flickered over my back and downward, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake, which pooled and mixed with my own fluid.
His tongue dove deep, coating my folds with his own spit until it oozed out of me and dripped onto the cold stone below. I shifted, pulling my legs up to rest on my knees and then gasped at the sudden immense pressure against my opening.
The dragon growled, claws digging into my shoulder as he lunged forward. My nails scratched at unyielding stone as pain and pleasure rushed through my body. He held fast, pressing forward, demanding my body adjust.
A roar filled the cave when flesh gave way and he slid himself inside of me. I screamed, mingling my cries with my dragons as his body withdrew and pumped forward again, expanding my body to fit his own.
The weight of his great foot held me in place while he thrust, driving deeper within, distending my insides to accommodate his girth and size. Low guttural moans escaped me as a new sensation of being filled rocked through my body.
Our cries filled the hot air. Fire dripped from his mouth, scorching the rock beside us. Then as suddenly as he began, he stopped, and a thickness pressed against me, above where he was already nested.
A shiver ran up my spine as his tongue explored, then pressed within, expanding my second opening to him. More saliva moved inside of me followed by the familiar pressure off his length. Every fibre of my muscles tensed, waiting for more.
He waited, suddenly gentle before he urged forward, slipping inside of me. A new fullness pushed into my body with his monstrous size, and I cried out. The tongue that smelled of me lapped the tears on my cheek, meeting my own tongue and mouth.
Then he moved, renewed with both of his lengths pumping into me. The dragon snarled as he rode me, pounding into me with sickening speed and power. Nails dug in deep and ruthlessly, eschewing cries of delight from my lips.
Every moment my mouth opened he greeted me with hungry tongue. My body ached and quivered, crushed and upheld by him at the same time, until I felt the pressure build and explode, sending waves of ecstatic rapture through me.
He snarled and then roared as his body jerked and responded to my tightening muscles. Heat erupted within me, spilling out as he released me. Seed coated my body, glistening in the firelight of his snarls.
I rested there, in a pool of our fluids, filled and sated. The dragon lowered his maw to my body, tasting himself on my stomach and breasts before disappearing into the darkness of his cave, leaving me quivering in his seed, hungering for more.
There was no way to trap such a beast. He had all the cleverness of a man, the wiliness of a wolf, and the predatory urges of both. And so I presented myself as prey, huddled in the small room, cold air blowing in from the open door.
My breath crystallized in the air as the floor creaked. In the night I could barely see his shadow. Instead, I heard the faint scraping of claws upon floorboards and the low guttural growls from the impenetrable darkness.
His snout touched my shoulder. Hot breath caressed my throat before he inhaled, sniffing at the scents that lingered on my skin. My every muscle tensed. I froze, as though if I held still the creature wouldn’t consume me.
Nails played over my thigh, pressing against fabric. Slowly I turned my head, enough to catch the glimmer of fang and amber eyes. They bore into mine, hunger and questioning in one glance. I tried to stammer out words, but could only gasp as he snarled.
I turned, facing the wolf. His eyes searched mine and my body, unsure which of us was supposed to run. I tugged at the cord keeping the crimson cloak about my body. It puddled at my feet.
He lowered his muzzle to my face, saliva dripping from the joules to land on my shoulder and the bare skin of the top of my breasts. I tilted my head to look up at him and reached one hand to stroke his cheek, the rough fur greeting my fingers.
My other hand touched his massive chest, hard muscle and power beneath the grey fur. He leaned against me, nose buried in my hair, inhaling me. “I want you,” I whispered to him. The ears perked and the body tensed beneath me.
The wolf was faster than anything I had touched before. My back was against a wall with a soft thud, the air knocked out of me. Clawed fingers ran over my body, over thighs and hips, along my stomach and over my breasts.
Claws dug into the fabric, shredding it as paper, grazing my own skin where thin lines of blood formed. A warm, hot tongue lapped at the cuts, gentle and hungry at the same time. The beast groaned, its girth pinning me.
Heat rose between us as I shifted, pressing my naked skin against the coarse hair. He lowered his head, lapping at my neck and shoulder, before lowering himself, licks following in his wake. Nails slid on my inner thigh, testing the cloth.
He clawed inward, ripping into the pants and pulled, rendering them into pieces that hung on my hips. As before, he lapped at the blood gracing my flesh, and nuzzled himself inward, letting his great tongue explore what he had revealed.
My fingers dug into the thick fur on his head as his tongue tasted and teased. Soft noises rose from my body, barely audible above the wet licking that echoed in the small room. His tongue probed deep, tasting everything he could.
Hands grabbed my thighs, pulling them apart as he pushed me up the wall. Nails dug into the soft flesh. His strength was impossible as he held me, tongue buried deep within, alive and wiggling inside.
Growls vibrated against me as my hips bucked against him. Slobber dripped from my thighs to his face, coating the fur. The amber eyes glowed, looking up at me, entranced as much as I was. I pulled on his hair, pulling him into me, moaning with each tug, and he growled his hunger in return.
I shuddered, bucking my hips against his mouth as I cried out. The beast refused to relent, until I sagged against the wall. His hands dropped me as he disappeared into the darkness. I panted, lost in my own ecstasy.
My own cry broke my reverie as his claws dug into my ankle, pulling me suddenly and roughly towards him, rolling me onto my stomach. He moved over me, body against me, snout next to my face, breath hot and eager.
Teeth nipped at my shoulder, careful not to break skin. He whined, waiting. I pulled myself to be on my hands and knees, pressing up against him, eliciting an hungered snarl. “Please,” I finally said. Still, he waited.
I moaned in frustration and pressed back against his body. “Fuck me.” He snarled, fierce and powerful. Teeth sunk into my shoulder, breaking skin, blood trickling down as he slipped his length inside of me, still soft.
He groaned, slowly moving his body against mine. I pressed my hips back, matching his gentle rhythm until he swelled within, slowly filling me. Then he slammed into my hips, jolting my body forward, stopped only by his arms and teeth.
He held, letting me feel his size within me, then moved again. I gasped both in the immense pain and pleasure. Each pulse was hard, rough thrusting that split me open. My nails dug at the floor, his dug long furrows down my back.
The room became a cacophony of wet smacking, snarling, screaming, and moaning. Claws ripped the floorboard, my skin, wound their way into my air. Teeth raked flesh, parted to welcome the warm tease of a tongue that smelled like me.
Each thrust became wild and fast, moving us together with power and finesse. His hips met mine, again and again, until he drove me further than I had ever gone and screamed an animalistic cry that matched his own bestial nature.
He stopped, matching my inhuman noises with his own as pressure formed where our bodies met, the length within me suddenly engorged and full. The wolf shuddered atop me, panting, as he filled me with his seed.
I let myself lower onto my stomach only to feel him follow, unable to part from me. A tender tongue lapped at my bloodied shoulder before he lay beside me, pulling me against his body and wrapping me in his heat, locked together, now and forever, as mated wolves.
Ropey muscle covered each inch of their body. My fingers grazed over the muscular cheek, the thick ebony blood coating my pale skin as I moved. The horses maw gaped, the scent of death filling the air around us. It did not move as I did what no other had.
I pressed my lips to the equine cheek, soft and tender. Its body quivered, each muscle contracting and releasing beneath my hand. A strange low howl came from the humanoid head on the torso. I looked into their eyes and smirked before letting my tongue flick over the horse’s cheek.
The tang of rotten blood blossomed in my mouth. The beast stood still, considering, but I dared not relent. Fingers pressed forward, exploring the equine neck and shoulders, rubbing and caressing as I went. Each touch squelched with the natural lubricant that covered the creature's skin.
My arms and face became covered in the ichor as I reached the horse’s back where a man’s skinless torso rested. Haunted eyes peered into me before one great muscular arm, as long as my body, reached upward to caress the skin of my face.
Lips welcomed one tacky digit, their finger exploring the soft flesh before pressing inward. The horse snorted and shifted, excitement in their bones as I suckled ddeeplyy onthe digit, letting it slide backwards and down. A hoof pawed the ground but the humanoid body shuddered.
Black liquid stained my throat and face. My hand guided theirs down until I placed my foot into their hand, rested my hands on the side of the horse, and pulled myself up. They lifted, placing me easily before them, thighs rubbing against their blood and honed muscles that pulsed beneath me.
Their hands wasted no time ripping the dress from my body to spread their blood over me. Slick fingers groped my breasts and delicate skin, exploring what they had never before touched. I stroked their face, rubbed my thumb over muscle where lips would have been, before I kissed them.
There were no lips to kiss, just barren teeth and facial muscles. But they knew the aaction and pressed into me, giant tongue filling my mouth after but a moment’s hesitation. Fingers roughly massaged the muscles of my back, tugging at my own flesh as a foreign concept. We moaned, my monster and I.
For lingering moments I rode them, their great tongue filling my mouth and throat. The beast beneath us rumbled, rubbing against my thighs, our liquids mixing together as excitement curled up my spine.
I moaned against their mouth, grasping at their waist, holding myself as the waves of pleasure rolled through me. The tongue slid outwards, lapping at my face and the peaks of my breast before their hand moved up the bare skin of my leg, leaving a glistening trail of secretion.
As wet digits were about to explore my depths, I gasped in surprise as the front legs reared. I was pressed against my lover, their torso stopping mine from falling. The great arms wrapped about me as their equine body shivered and settled, resting on a rocky outcropping on an angle. Below us, space was made for supplication.
My knees pressed against the slippery rocks as they anticipated my touch. A girth I had never seen before awaited, twitching to life as my blood covered hands explored and stroked. They pulsed at every touch, caress, stroke, and flick of my tongue, impossibly large and far too intense to swallow.
The creature shuddered, chaotic noises escaping the mouths of both the man and the equine. Hands wound about my waist, directing my strokes in back and forth movements. Their hips thrust, pressing the flat head of their length against my lips.
Blood drizzled onto my shoulder from the human’s gaping maw, slid down my body, as their fingers cupped between my legs, applying the sticky serum to my inner folds. Fingers slid in cautiously, muscle against muscle, teasing the flesh with each movement.
They lifted me with strange ease, pulling me upwards against their gut until my legs parted to wrap around their hips. The heavy length pressed forward, finding my body open and waiting. It drove inward, suddenly unrelenting and powerful.
Our combined screams mingled with the crashing of the waves. My fingers dug into ther muscled flanks, blood coating every part of me. The horse plunged within me and I shuddered, suddenly so filled and stretched I could scarcely breathe.
Each thrust brought us closer to something between life and death. We slid together, long arms hanging me below them, their body thundering into mine. Our bodies spasmed and shuddered together, blood, sweat, and ichor covering every inch of my body.
A new, vicious liquid released within me, before they pulled themselves free, letting it ooze slowly out of my body to mix with their blood below us. I panted, shivering in their arms before being set free to rest in the puddle of our fluids, body filled with their seed.
Digits slipped inwards, into its cool interior. The ooze shaped around my hand, stroking fingers, a wiggling tongue with no mouth. Each shudder of the cube brought my hand in deeper, slowly pulling me into itself, jelly sliding along my skin, toasting me as it went.
I would need to breathe and trust my companion knew better than to press its digestive enzymes against my skin. Slowly I turned, hand enmeshed in its body, tantalizing stinging running along the exposed flesh of my fingers and arm as I pressed my back against it.
It curled around me as I moved into it. Its consuming flesh wrapped around my thighs and hips, slid confidently around my shoulders and neck. I leaned forward, letting my legs fall back behind me and float within its girth.
Fluid crept over and between my legs, shaping to my body, undulating against me. I gasped as it explored my thighs, pressing upwards and inwards, filling every crevice it could find, slipping within me, devouring my sweat and lust as it went.
Pressure swelled against and within my body, expanding and stretching the realm of possibility with each quaking motion it made. My body trembled in response, a sudden moan pressed out of my lips.
My torso became submerged. Hungry slime lapped at my skin, compressed my breasts and hardened peaks. It held me secure, applying more pressure here and there, mixing pain with the profound pleasure of fullness, pulsing with every heated breath I took.
Finally my last breath was drawn before my lover pulled me within, slipping itself within my own mouth. It filled me, entirely. My heart pounded as pleasure rippled through my body, the ooze expanding every opening it desired, reaching depths I hadn’t known possible.
It pulsed within my body, holding me still despite my writhing muscles that bucked each time the ooze pushed and pressed further. Burning moments passed. My open mouth vibrated with moans suffocated by the gelatinous fluid.
My throat ached for air, the pulsing pressure touching me everywhere at once, within and without, building in tantamount speed towards an ecstasy I had never known.
Fingers swam uselessly in its turquoise fluid, desperate for something solid to cling to as time and my senses abandoned me. Suspended in its depths, it consumed me, swallowing all that I offered, savouring parts of me no lover ever had.
Time only returned from its expansive standstill when the dungeon echoed with my ecstatic scream. A plopping sound followed as the ooze released me, igniting my lungs with air. Slime slowly trickled out of my body, leaving me suddenly hollow and spent.It waited, patiently, the light glinting off of its ultramarine surface.
I slid my hand over its gelatinous flesh, caressing the glassy outside as I inhaled a soft breath. It quivered in anticipation and inched forward, pressing my hand into its depths.
Digits slipped inwards, into its cool interior. The ooze shaped around my hand, stroking fingers, a wiggling tongue with no mouth. Each shudder of the cube brought my hand in deeper, slowly pulling me into itself, jelly sliding along my skin, toasting me as it went.
I would need to breathe and trust my companion knew better than to press its digestive enzymes against my skin. Slowly I turned, hand enmeshed in its body, tantalizing stinging running along the exposed flesh of my fingers and arm as I pressed my back against it.
It curled around me as I moved into it. Its consuming flesh wrapped around my thighs and hips, slid confidently around my shoulders and neck. I leaned forward, letting my legs fall back behind me and float within its girth.
Fluid crept over and between my legs, shaping to my body, undulating against me. I gasped as it explored my thighs, pressing upwards and inwards, filling every crevice it could find, slipping within me, devouring my sweat and lust as it went.
Pressure swelled against and within my body, expanding and stretching the realm of possibility with each quaking motion it made. My body trembled in response, a sudden moan pressed out of my lips.
My torso became submerged. Hungry slime lapped at my skin, compressed my breasts and hardened peaks. It held me secure, applying more pressure here and there, mixing pain with the profound pleasure of fullness, pulsing with every heated breath I took.
Finally my last breath was drawn before my lover pulled me within, slipping itself within my own mouth. It filled me, entirely. My heart pounded as pleasure rippled through my body, the ooze expanding every opening it desired, reaching depths I hadn’t known possible.
It pulsed within my body, holding me still despite my writhing muscles that bucked each time the ooze pushed and pressed further. Burning moments passed. My open mouth vibrated with moans suffocated by the gelatinous fluid.
My throat ached for air, the pulsing pressure touching me everywhere at once, within and without, building in tantamount speed towards an ecstasy I had never known.
Fingers swam uselessly in its turquoise fluid, desperate for something solid to cling to as time and my senses abandoned me. Suspended in its depths, it consumed me, swallowing all that I offered, savouring parts of me no lover ever had.
Time only returned from its expansive standstill when the dungeon echoed with my ecstatic scream. A plopping sound followed as the ooze released me, igniting my lungs with air. Slime slowly trickled out of my body, leaving me suddenly hollow and spent.
“Bocuk,” I murmured the name into the night. “I come to worship at your altar. To bear witness to your grace. To welcome you home this nig...

She quivered in the moonlight, snow-white body illuminated by the celestial glow that blanketed the landscape in milky light. The night ha...
I sat in the old house, listening to the soft cries from neighboring homes, as children were judged by the saint and his demonic accomplice....